Home Our Land Tierras Altas, a Natural Destination Full of Opportunities and a Unique Identity

Tierras Altas, a Natural Destination Full of Opportunities and a Unique Identity

The Tierras Altas region is the other side of tropical Panama: mountainous, with a very cool climate with temperatures ranging from 25 ºC (77 ºF) to 12 ºC (53 ºF), even dropping to 0 ºC (32 ºF) in the highest areas. These mountains, full of flora and fauna, are the perfect destination for those who love being surrounded by nature. Today it is a district with a unique identity. Tierras Altas includes the townships of Volcan, Cerro Punta, Paso Ancho, Nueva California and Cuesta de Piedra.

Photo: Jean Maurice Posner

A Natural Destination Full of Opportunities
Volcan has similarities to other mountain destinations in terms of natural beauty and tourist sites, however it has more land available for growth and lower prices in terms of square meters of land. It is an investment opportunity to develop experiences that elevate the tourist, cultural and residential offering that this privileged region can offer.

Two Huge Forest Parks
In the mountains of Tierras Altas there are two forest parks that every hiker should visit: the Volcan Baru National Park and La Amistad International Park (PILA), declared a world heritage site by UNESCO. Both protect the region’s cloud forest and preserve an immense and colorful diversity.

Waterfalls that Impress Visitors
Tierras Altas hides waterfalls of all sizes in its trails. It is possible to see it when walking through the dense forests of Cerro Punta or in the middle of Cuesta de Piedra canyon. It is also possible to find more waterfalls by visiting Las Nubes, another very popular area among hikers. Of course, to bathe in any of the rivers or waterfalls it is important to consult with expert guides about the safest time to do so.

Gastronomy with Its Own Personality
Much of the Tierras Altas food scene is seasonal. This means menus that change depending on the fruits or vegetables available. Visitors have the opportunity to enjoy organic dishes, free of preservatives, which supports local communities and generates less environmental impact. You can also have farm-to-table culinary experiences, delicious 0km cuisine that all Visitors really enjoy.

Agro Tourist Farms to Visit
For Visitors looking to enjoy the outdoors and reconnect with rural life, there is nothing better than having an agro-tourism experience in Tierras Altas. In this region there are farms where it is possible to learn about country life and how the food that reaches the table is grown. It is also possible to tour the fields, gardens and stables. It can also be shared with farm animals and even thoroughbred horses.

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