Home Flavors El Trapiche Passion for Panamanian Flavor

El Trapiche Passion for Panamanian Flavor

From 1983 until today, El Trapiche has fulfilled its main mission: to provide its guests with traditional recipes of Panamanian cuisine.
As soon as you visit one of its three restaurants located in Vía Argentina, Albrook Mall and San Francisco, you can breathe exquisite aromas that evokes the flavors of the interior of the country. The feeling of pride and belonging to our culture and traditions, is usually the secret ingredient in the kitchen, and it has been tasted in each of their dishes for more than thirty years.

Culinary Inspiration Based on Our Cultural Heritage
The specialty of El Trapiche, is to keep intact each of its culinary presentations: the ingredients and flavors inspired by the recipes brought from the countryside, by indigenous people and ethnic groups that contributed to this mixture of gastronomic influences that makes Panama unique. “Our philosophy is based on the simplicity of preparing and feeding diners with what is traditional, presenting the typical food we know and eat,” said Domingo De Obaldía Jr., who like his father and two founding partners, believe in the preservation of the Panamanian seasoning without foreign mergers.

100% Authentic Panamanian Flavor
De Obaldía believes that El Trapiche remains active in the market, due to the authenticity with which they take flavors from the country lands to the table. All part of the synergy with which they select and prepare national products, offered by trusted suppliers who practice sustainable production. This way they can guarantee an authentic culinary experience, so that everyone can take a bite of Panama. “We cook Panamanian food, thinking for Panamanians. And if a foreigner arrives at one of our restaurants, they feel that have found the perfect place to taste the quality of our traditional dishes,” said De Obaldía, who would like to see more restaurants including typical dishes in their menus.

Menu that Captivates Everybody
Among its most requested traditional dishes are: Ropa Vieja (shredded meat), Sancocho (traditional stew with chicken) and Tamal de Olla (tamale dish prepared as a casserole). The most requested culinary proposals with a modern twist are the Ropa Vieja Sandwiches in Hojaldra, Centennial Breakfast, Encebollado Steak among others. De Obaldía recommends trying the bites created at the San Francisco restaurant, such as Chorizo Tableño (croquettes version), or Pork Sandwich with Ají Chombo jam.
From Tuesday to Thursday you can enjoy a folkloric show starting 7:30 pm. at San Francisco restaurant . they have ten additional dishes in their menu, and on Saturdays people can order a Sancocho cooked in firewood. El Trapiche will continue working on being a reference for local cuisine, a restaurant where you can have 100% authentic and traditional Panamanian food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For more information
E-mail: Info@eltrapicherestaurante.com
Instagram @eltrapichepty

Contact: Vía Argentina (507) 269-4353, Albrook Mall (507) 314-7426/27, and 71 street San Francisco (507) 381-0981.

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